Genre Classical, Decade 1900s, Theme evening.
Showing 31 to 40 of 43 songs.
Sorted by year of composition Sort by relevance
33. Harmonie du soir
Gabriel de Saint Quentin
Composed in 1904.
Dix Mélodies célèbres (E. 3112 F.) (1912)
34. La Cloche fêlée
André Caplet
Composed between 1905 and 1922.
La Cloche fêlée (1924), La Revue musicale (musical supplement) (1924)
35. La Cloche fêlée
Raoul Bardac
Composed in 1905.
Cinq Mélodies (1905)
36. Tristesses de la lune
Courtlandt Palmer
Composed between 1907 and 1944.
38. Parfum exotique
Albert Doyen
Composed in 1907.