Decade 1950s, Gender individual male.
Showing 81 to 90 of 127 songs.
Sorted by year of composition Sort by relevance
81. Parfum Exotique
James Ollivier
Composed between 1945 and 2000.
82. La Musique
Alexandre Tansman
Composed between 1946 and 1986.
83. Recueillement
Jean-Frédéric Perrenoud
Composed between 1948 and 1959.
Trois Chants du soir (1950 - 1959)
84. Harmonie du soir
Jean-Frédéric Perrenoud
Composed between 1948 and 1959.
Trois Chants du soir (1950 - 1959)
85. Brumes et pluies
Léo Ferré
Composed between 1950 and 1957.
Brumes et Pluies (1960)
86. Le goût de néant
Ben Johnston
Composed in 1950.
87. Paysage
William Matthews
Composed between 1950 and 1980.
88. Recueillement
Antoine Geoffroy-Dechaume
Composed between 1950 and 1976.
90. Les Hiboux
Pierre Revel
Composed between 1950 and 1951.

Léo Ferré (15), Gaston Doin (8), Jean-Guy Bailly (6), René Lenormand (6), Luis de Freitas Branco (4),